Keyi Tang


Chinese Loans to Africa (CLA) Database

Since August, 2019, I have been a researcher contributing to the development of the Chinese Loans to Africa (CLA) Database, an interactive data project that record Chinese loan projects to 55 African countries from 2000 to present.

Ghana’s Subnational Allocation of Constituency Development Funds (CDFs) between 2001 and 2021

The Constituency Development Funds (CDFs) in many African countries are important measures to decentralize public goods and services delivery. In Ghana, starting from 1996, 5% of the annual national budget is distributed through the CDFs to local governments. During my fieldwork to Ghana in 2022, I collected the annual flow of CDFs to all constituencies in Ghana between 2000 and 2021.

Ghana’s Roads at Constituency and District (ADM2) Level

I collected all of Ghana’s road projects from 2000 to 2022 at the district and constituency level from the Department of Urban Roads, Department of Rural Roads, and Ghana Highway Authority. The data includes information on the year, cost, name, contractor, progress, financier, and location of the road projects.

Ethiopia’s Roads at ADM1 Level

I collected Ethiopia’s road projects commissioned by the Ethiopian Road Authority from 1997 to 2021. The database includes the year, total value, contractor, financier, and the regional location of the roads.

Zambia’s Road Sector Annual Work Plans (ADM1)

I collected all of Zambia’s road projects by year from 1995 to 2021 from the Road Development Authority of Zambia. The data includes the year, cost, contractor, financier, and the provincial location of the roads.

Zambia’s Public Investment Projects in All Sectors (ADM2)

I collected a list of all centrally managed public investment projects between 2012 and 2022 from the Ministry of Finance of Zambia. This includes all projects financed through domestic budget or external loans and grants. The projects include almost all sectors except for energy: health, transport, education, ICT, housing, etc. The data includes the year, cost, contractor, name, cost, progress, disbursement of the funds, as well as the regional location of the projects.